Confirmed Plenary and Semi-Plenary Speakers

Kai-Uwe Bletzinger
Technical University of Munich, Germany
"Creating form by shape optimization - about the state of the art of bulk-surface filtering methods and their application as design tools in engineering"
Joël Brezillon 
Airbus Operations SAS, Germany
"High-Fidelity Aerodynamic Shape and Multi-Disciplinary Optimisation for Aircraft Design: A Capability Perspective with Applications"
Gabriel Bugeda
CIMNE, Spain
"Hybrid Evolutionary-Deterministic Optimisation based on Multi-Player Strategies" 
Rauno Cavallaro
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
"On the impact of coupled aero-structural optimization on highly flexible wings"
Oren Lavan
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
"Optimal design of complex and advanced structural systems subjected to dynamic loadings"
Zhen Luo
University of Technology, Australia
"Engineering micro-latticed metamaterials and metastructures". 
Michael Meheut
ONERA, France
"Role of MDO towards climate-neutral aircraft"
Julián Norato
University of Connecticut, USA
"Advances in Topology Optimization with Geometric Primitives"
Evangelos Papoutsis-Kiachagias
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
"Continuous adjoint methods for shape and topology optimization with industrial applications"

Thomas Rung
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany
"Adjoint-based techniques for the minimization of hemolysis using Newtonian and non-Newtonian blood models".
Tom Verstrate
von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium
"Comparison of different hybrid optimization methods applied to turbomachinery test cases".
Jochen Wild
German Aerospace Center, Germany
"CFD and CFD based optimization in aerodynamic high-lift design"